So last week I posted a status on FB that got all sorts of comments:) I didn't mean for it to become so secretive, but we've been looking into different birthing options, and until we had more information and had talked to our families, I didn't want to say too much.
SO...the big consideration right now, is home birth! A couple of you guessed it right away (because you're home birthers yourselves, or pretty darn close;) The reason we're looking into it, primarily, is because I was really unhappy with the way my hospital birth with Kallie went (induction, immobility, rude medical personnel, etc.). A couple of weeks ago I watched some home birthing videos on You Tube and was in awe of how beautiful it was to see women labouring and giving birth in their most comfortable surroundings. Obviously birth is just as awe-inspiring in a hospital, it doesn't matter where a baby is born, but after I saw those videos, I felt a strong yearning for the same experience. I also have a few friends who have had home births, and they had amazing experiences.
Lyndon is much more wary of the whole idea, so I had a very in-depth discussion with one of my midwives on Tues. about it, and got some great information. For those of you who don't know much about home birth (like me before last week!) and think that the 'midwife shows up with a kitchen fork to deliver your baby' (thanks Natalie for that perspective;), I was quite surprised to find out how medically prepared a home birth is. And that statistically, the risks of a hospital birth vs. a home birth are the SAME in AMOUNT, but different in NATURE. I have done lots of research, and as far as risks go, with a normal, healthy pregnancy (which you're already screened as, as a midwife client) there isn't a lot to worry about. It would take too long to write down everything I've learned in the last week, but it is very fascinating:)
At this point, we don't know what we're going to do. One of the things I love most about having a midwife is the empowerment. Ultimately, the decision is ours, and there's no rush to set things in stone. We could decide on a home birth and then an hour into labour change our minds, and that's absolutely fine. What's most important to me is being able to labour at home, in a comfortable setting and comfortable clothing, for as long as possible. I think we might do that and then go to the hospital for the actual birth. The midwife suggested if that is our choice, to have everything set up at home for the possibility of birth, just in case things progress faster than we thought. We have support from our families and friends as far as doing what we think is best for our family, which is a huge blessing:)
I also realize that with a midwife this time, a hospital birth would be a completely different experience than last time. This is encouraging, I know that either way it will be a positive experience. Right now we're weighing our options, occasionally discussing it, and praying about it. Ultimately, I know we'll find the best fit for both of us, and will welcome our beautiful baby into this world in the setting we choose:)
I've gotten really great information and advice (thanks again, Natalie:) and would love to hear any other experiences or thoughts on the topic. And as a disclaimer...if we do birth at home, Kallie will not be in the house, and definitely NOT witnessing the birth of her sibling:) I have no desire to subject my toddler to something that traumatic!!!
So, there ya go, that's what we've been thinking about:) Secret's out!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Giving Birth...
Posted by Lauren at 6:43 AM
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I kind of wondered if that was it. :)
YAY! Good for you!! I'm a home birth girl all the way- I realllly hope I get a midwife when I get pregnant so that can happen. (I have a few midwife friends in the city, so my odds are definitely up...)
I've been at three births already- one was a home birth-turned-hospital because of midwife staffing shortage, one was a homebirth, and one was a semi-medical hospital birth. (which was still WAY less traumatic than it could have been- a combination of great nurses, alternative pain management techniques, and having a doula. (No, I'm not blowing my own horn, but in my opinion, parents really need the support of someone who knows birth to walk them through the difficult decisions)
The first birth was supposed to be their second homebirth, but because of the timing, there weren't enough midwives to have two there, so we had to go to the hospital to deliver. It was the next best to a homebirth, though- the midwife shooed the nurses out, and we did our thing in the room- the nurses just came in for the delivery.
The second birth was a homebirth, and that, by far, was my favorite. Their first birth experience had been horrible- the typical epidural/can't move around/horrible, slowed down labor/episiotomy/no bonding with baby for weeks after experience. They were desperate to do it differently, so they ended up opting for the homebirth. It was sooo peaceful and beautiful- I was in complete awe. The parents were flabbergasted at the huge difference in experiences- there was just no way to compare it. After everything was said and done and cleaned up, the mom went to her own bed for the night, and her recovery was miles faster than her first one. The midwives are amazing, and yes, they have all the necessary equipment there. They had the two oxygen tanks set up, and various other tools that you'd see at a hospital birth. They're also very quick to call the ambulance when they see signs of complications, so really, the danger is very minimal. After that experience, I am totally sold on the concept of a homebirth. (not that I wasn't before- lol)'s a big decision, and it (understandably) makes the guy a bit nervous. Have you heard of the movies "The Business of Being Born" and "Orgasmic Birth"? They're both very interesting movies, and a few people that I've had watch them have declared that they are officially homebirthers. ;) They both go a long way to diminishing the fears of the dangers of homebirth. (and don't let the title of Orgasmic Birth scare you- it's really not just about that- it's a much more complete picture of how beautiful and amazing an empowered birth can be.)
And...I agree with your midwife- even if you do decide to have a hospital birth, it will be very different. You're more empowered now, and you'll have her with you. That all makes a huge difference. :)
I'm looking forward to hearing more of your story! :)
Hey Lauren! I had the midwife in the hospital birth and can tell you that it was amazing! While the hospital staff was involved my primary care giver and the one who conversed with myself and my coaches was my midwife. Since my birthing experience ended in an emergency c-section it was good for us to be at the hospital, but I even got my midwife right there with me in the OR.
Whatever decision you make will be best for you and I'm sure you midwife will make it that much better for you :) My response isn't nearly as long as Gloria's but I had to add my two
Thanks for the props, I love feeling like I've helped!
Whatever you choose it'll be the right choice for you, and that's all that matters.
Love & belly rubs from O-town.
xo N
That's so exciting. I would have LOVED to have tried a home birth, but I have a blood disorder and it was recommended that I labour&birth in the hospital. Kevin was rather squeamish about the whole idea too. I definitely think if I could, no question about it, I would!!
Good luck with your decision!
I love the THOUGHT of having a homebirth, but my gut always told me to go to the hospital. My first pregnancy, as you know, I had a midwife. LOVED her...and she was SO good, and the only caregiver with me in the hospital room until the end when a nurse came in to help assist, but she was great, too. So to me it was still a very "romantic" setting, quiet, relaxing, etc. With Britta I had a Obgyn, and LOVED her so so much! She was pretty much a midwife with a doctor's certification. She was lovely, and helpful during birth. PLUS I had a Doula...I think if you choose home birth it will be so amazing!!! The only thing I wish with Britta's birth is that I didn't go to the hospital as early as I did - it made the day DRAG! The nice thing about homebirth is once you're in labor, you can just relax and let the day happen while at home. I'll pray you'll make the right decision for you and baby. :)
P.S. a side note: from experience, your second birth will go MUCH MUCH faster, and a lot better. Honestly, after Britta's birth I told Rusty, "I can do this again..." I couldn't say that for awhile after Annika was born. :)
Sounds like an excellent idea!!!! Natalie was very happy with her midwife and she certainly saw her a lot more than she would have with a doctor. Good for you.
We tried to have a home birth with our now 3-year old. Prolonged 2nd stage (pushing) forced us to have to go to the hospital, but the midwives were amazing (as they are at the hospital as well). They brought a load of equipment, etc. to our home before our due date and told us exactly how to prepare. We would have tried a home birth with our now 2 year old, but our house was far too under-renovation for that to have been a pleasant experience :) Let me know if you want to chat about our experience! All the best in your decision.
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