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Friday, July 31, 2009

Baby Update!!!

We had our first ultrasound a week and a half ago, and it went great:)! Baby was facing in, so they couldn't get a good shot of the heart, but they could see everything else, and it looked perfect! Baby's measuring a bit big (but still in the 'normal' range), but Lyndon and I expect no less considering we're not the smallest people;) Kallie was a nine pounder...I'm sure her sibling will follow suit:)

Because they didn't get a good shot of the heart, we had a second ultrasound re-scheduled for today, which I was excited about...I love getting to see our baby so much:) Where we got our ultrasound done has a 3D ultrasound machine, so we got some amazing pictures of baby's face! It made me beautiful to see our little baby in there!:)

I've been feeling a bit better lately, but still not myself. My mom's been in town all week, which has been a HUGE help! She's folded every piece of clothing we own, cleaned and cleaned and cleaned some more, and of course, spent lots of time with Kallie! Thanks so much mom, it means so much to me to have you here, I love you! And my dad arrives today, so I'm looking forward to a great weekend filled with lots of family fun:)

Baby is SUPER active! Kallie wasn't very active at all, but this one is just constantly wiggling around in there. It's really fun:) Lyndon has felt the baby move once, but it's still mostly deeper down so only I can feel it.

I can't wait to meet our little one! Thank goodness we're over half-way there!


deborah said...

So exciting! And those are great pics!

Mandi Carter said...

Lauren, those pictures are amazing! Your baby is SO cute, and totally has your nose, I love it! I also love how the baby is resting on their hand, so peacefully. Awwww, I love your baby already!! I think you're having another girl!! Kallie will be an amazing big sister <3

Kelly said...

Cool :)

Anonymous said...

Oh I can hardly wait to meet this adorable little one!! What amazing pics they can do with ultrasound now!! I think you are having another girl also!!I do know whatever sex it is it will be another sweetheart for Grandma& Grandpa to love & spoil!!xoxoxoxo
Love Grandma xoxo

kat said...

Those pictures are so precious, and really good! you can see so much detail! and I totally think it's a boy!


MJ's doghouse said...

holy crap...sorry...but those photos are is definately a baby..yep...good work guys

Debbie said...

Beautiful pics of your new baby! Ultrasounds have come a long way since we had them. Couldn't even distinguish the baby, you just pretended you could see what they were pointing at! Glad to hear you are feeling better. Take care and hug your mom for me!

Brandi said...

Love it!! How fun to be able to 'meet' your baby like this already, especially in light of how you've been feeling. Probably helps you focus on the end goal a little better. It really sucks not feeling good throughout pregnancy and it's a lot harder with the second, too, because you have another one to run around after. You're doing awesome, Lauren!!

Erica H said...

Over half way done already?! Wow, this pregnancy is going super fast - but maybe not you. Your baby is adorable!! I agree he/she has your nose - so cute and fun! I thought you were having another girl, but after seeing these pictures I sensed it was a boy. Ah, what do I know, right?! ;) Great job, Lauren - you're a strong preggo!