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Saturday, April 12, 2008

So much to catch up on!

K, I don't have any pictures to put up right now, but I promise I will soon--by the end of tomorrow at the latest! Things have been so crazy around here I thought I'd take the spare minute I have to write, and then upload pics when I have a chance.

Kallie is 11 months old today, which is so crazy for baby's going to be one in a month. I just can't believe how fast time has gone by! This month has been so fun--Kallie is turning into more of a little girl every single day! She's started climbing on things (which gives me a heart attack:) and her absolute favorite is racing up the stairs, with or without us chasing her:) She's communicating and understanding so much more, and we can actually play little games with her which is a blast! And she laughs SO MUCH now...there is absolutely no better sound in the world than your child laughing with a deep belly-laugh:)

The other crazy stuff that's been going on in our lives...Lyndon is in his last month of trade school, so he's preparing for his final exam and then he'll be a journeyman carpenter, which is very exciting! We also got possession of our house on the first, and didn't do too much with it in the first week, and so now we're in panic mode, working on it as much as we can. And I've started home daycare, which is going really well, but wow, more than one baby is a lot of work! I don't know how people with multiples do it! My mom was here for a visit the first week of April, which was wonderful...Kallie had such a fun time with Grandma:)!! Add to all that a few illnesses here and there, and we've had a very busy month so far! But it's been really fun and exciting at the same time. I think everyone gets pretty busy this time of year, spring just makes you want to get stuff done!

K---that's enough writing...I know the most interesting part is the pictures...I will post house, daycare, and Kallie pictures (maybe even a video if I'm really on top of things:) asap!!! Happy Spring!


Anonymous said...

Yes hurry & get those pictures & videos up so I can see my little one!!I bought a webcam for us & you guy's so that I can see my baby as much as possible & she won't forget us in between the times we see you guy's!! Love Mom xoxoxoxox

Erica H said...

I can't wait to see pics of your new house!!!! I'm sure after you've had your way in there it will look absolutely stunning! And YAY for Kallie being 11 months old! WOW, only a month until you have a toddler - that's CRRRRAAAAZY!

This Mama said...

Waiting!!! SIGH ;)
Love Mandy xo