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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dinner Conversation...

Kallie: Where's your lid daddy?
Lyndon: I don't need a lid on my cup. You're little so you need a lid, but I'm big, so I don't need one.
Kallie: Oh. (very thoughtfully) Yeah, you're big. I can't lift you.

:)This just makes me smile...the mind of a two-year-old:)


Kelly said...

This is hillarious. It is SO amazing to hear little minds at work. SO amazing.

Erica H said...

Cuuute! She's going to seem so old once baby is born!

Lindy (Oma/Grandma) said...

She is so smart. About 3 weeks ago, so she was not quite 2, I asked her if she was going to take the city bus when she grows up and she said "No, I'm going to have a car" She had abviously already thought about this.

Brandi said...

hee hee, so cute. I really wish that I took the time to write down more of the stuff Kalia says.

Sharen said...

I am missing Kallie so so much!! She is so amazing. Please please set up the web cam so we can see& talk to her weekly,PLEASE!!!!!

Kelly said...

I can just feel the love on this page :)